Why this blog

This blog is to give readers an idea of the social, economic and political issues across India and the world, supported with facts and data. To begin with most of my articles are India centric, but I would write about issues across the whole world because I consider myself a citizen of the world. Writing is just a way of creating awareness, however we must all step out of our houses and take-up service projects in groups in our respective localities to make the world a better place. The idea would be of "global vision and local action". We are a one world family and we all must Volunteer For A Better World.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What about eradicating helplessness

They say that India's GDP is growing at a very high rate. The statistics look very impressive. The IT sector is picking-up and manufacturing will soon follow. Everything sounds great. But there is a flip side to this story. This is a country which has cross border terrorism from at least two sides of its borders. This is a country where there is something called Naxal movement and many of its counterparts, spread across different regions in different forms. The general view is that these are the main threats. But this is not all. This is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a country where the system is so useless that if anything goes wrong, an individual cannot do anything about it but accept it as his/her ill fate and move on with it. Indians do not expect justice or redemption for anything. We just go ahead, take our chances and pray to God that we should be able to deal with the injustice. If someone has a little more money, probably life is a little more comfortable. But truly speaking, the ones at the down side of advantage, just live each day, one at a time, trying to wrap-up their little left self respect in the corners of their hearts, thinking that probably they are richer than those who have compromised.

There is a lot that is written about corruption and injustice etc. etc.  There are a lot of social and economic evils that the country is going through. Just think about the "girl child" phenomena. Think about dowry versus lives. Think about incidences where women are insulted in public and the whole crowd just looks at it. Truly speaking those of us who truly believe in God, just pray. For those who don't, I am not sure what they cling to.

The true enemy of humankind is not poverty, or inequality or injustice etc., the true enemy is "helplessness". We all encounter this phenomena many a times in our lives. My observation had been that many a times when people are at a positional advantage, they use it as a means to achieve pleasure by tormenting someone who doesn't have that advantage. All said and done, the bottom line is that we cannot change a person's attitude towards his fellow beings. Those who have to do evil, they will eventually do it. Instead what we should focus on, is to create social groups amongst ourselves, which are not based on affiliations, but which are based on humanity, to fight for the members the group. And if there would be more such groups, then more people can have at least some means of fighting against injustice in any form. History has proved time and again that there is no greater power than the power of human integration. In today's scenario, this thought sounds quite idealistic and unrealistic. But fundamentally it is "helplessness" that gives the strength to the unjust to inflict miseries on the weaker ones. The moment we human beings will unite with each other with a spirit of integration and humanity, there will be end to inhumanity and social injustice.

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