As it is quite evident from my previous post, governance in India is layered. There is national level governance, state level governance and there is governance at the local bodies which are further divided into three layers. Hence if we look at the democracy of India as a whole, there is ample scope for developmental democracy. However there is one thing that is essentially lacking here, i.e., democratic awareness and education. How should we vote for various elections? From very basic common-sense we can categorize the criteria as follows:-
An important blog post pertaining to similar concept is here :-
- National level elections - we should vote for a stable government for a party that has the maximum plausible credibility for carrying out developmental work in the country, given the current situation, whatever that may be. Hence here the party and the leadership of the party are of primary importance. Also it is important to vote for a national level party for national elections.
- State level elections - For state level elections we should see the party as well as the candidates (including the leadership). It can be a national level party or state level party, but importance should be given to the track record of that party in the development of the state. Also the background of the candidates should be checked. Candidates with criminal backgrounds should be voted out.
- Local level governance (urban/rural local bodies) i.e., panchayats, municipalities etc. - in this case importance should only be given to the particular candidate representing the ward or the panchayat consituency. Here we should not give much importance to the party. Utmost importance should be given to the candidate and his/her background, education, abilities, vision, track record etc.
An important blog post pertaining to similar concept is here :-
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